Fifty Shades Of Grey - Trailer
在美國掀起狂潮的SM情慾小說《葛雷的50道陰影》(Fifty Shades of Grey)即將被拍成電影。這部備受爭議的三部曲,是原本默默無名的40歲女作家E.L.詹姆絲(E.L. James)的傑作。它情色的尺度挑戰民眾接受度,不但被稱作「媽媽級情色文學」,甫出版便擄獲人妻及媽媽們的心,還成為亞馬遜網路書店暢銷書。
Get ready for the 50 Shades of Grey movie, coming to a theater near you! Originally created for Twilight Fans, the controversial 50 Shades of Grey trilogy by E.L. James has also captured the hearts of ''Mommy Porn" addicts everywhere.
E. L. James promises the 50 Shades of Grey movie will be done tastefully. Considering the bulk of the book details BDSM, we're interested to see Hollywood pull this off. For those of you who are not familiar with the plot of 50 Shades of Grey, it's a lot like your typical college experience — if you went to Porn University.
The plot chronicles the tumultuous relationship between college student Anastasia Steele and well-to-do businessman Christian Grey. Filled with rough sex, vulgar language and scenarios that make even the kinkiest of people blush, the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy has quickly risen to the top of the New York Times bestseller list.
If you don't have enough time to read the three-book series, check out our very own 50 Shades of Grey movie trailer!