Grand Jury Prize, Dramatic: Grand Jury Prize, Documentary: World Cinema Jury Prize, Dramatic: World Cinema Jury Prize, Documentary: Dramatic Audience Award: Documentary Audience Award: World Cinema Dramatic Audience Award: World Cinema Documentary Audience Award: The Best of NEXT Audience Award: Directing Award, Dramatic: Directing Award, Documentary: World Cinema Directing Award, Dramatic: World Cinema Directing Award, Documentary: Waldo Scott Screenwriting Award: World Cinema Screenwriting Award: Documentary Editing Award: World Cinema Documentary Editing Award: Excellence in Cinematography Award, Dramatic: Excellence in Cinematography Award, Documentary: World Cinema Cinematography Award, Dramatic: World Cinema Cinematography Award, Documentary: Special Jury Prize: Dramatic (Acting): Special Jury Prize: Dramatic: Special Jury Prize: Documentary: World Cinema Special Jury Prize: Documentary World Cinema Special Jury Prize: Dramatic Alfred P. Sloan Prize Sundance/NHK International Filmmakers Award: The Jury Prize in Short Filmmaking: The Jury Prize in International Short Filmmaking : The Shorts Jury Honorable Mentions in Short Filmmaking to: Diarchy, Director and Screenwriter: Ferdinando Cito Filmomarino)es. The External World, Director and Screenwriter: David O’Reilly Out of Reach, Director and Screenwriter: Jakub Stozek Protoparticles, Director and Screenwriter: Chema García Ibarra
Like Crazy
How To Die In Oregon
Happy, Happy
Hell and Back Again
Martha Marcy May Marlene, directed by Sean Durkin
Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles, directed by Jon Foy
Tyrannosaur, directed by Paddy Considine
Project Nim, directed by James Marsh
Another Happy Day
If a Tree Falls
The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975
The Redemption of General Butt Naked
All Your Dead Ones
Hell and Back Again
Felicity Jones for “Like Crazy”
Another Earth
Being Elmo
Position Among The Stars
Tyrannosaur, for acting
Another Earth, directed by Mike Cahill
Cherien Dabis
Brick Novax pt 1 and 2, Director and Screenwriter: Matt Piedmont
Deeper Than Yesterday, Director and Screenwriter: Ariel Kleiman
Choke, Drector and Screenwriter: Michelle Latimer
The Legend of Beaver Dam, Director: Jerome Sable; Screenwriters: Jerome Sable and Eli Batalion
(路透猶他州公園市29日電)愛情故事「瘋也似的」以及安樂死紀錄片「如何死在俄勒岡」今天雙雙贏得第27屆日舞影展(Sundance)大獎,被列為今年必看的獨立製作電影。 美國導演杜利馬斯(Drake Doremus)執導的「瘋也似的」(Like Crazy,暫譯)贏得最佳戲劇金評審團大獎(Grand Jury Prize),這部片在講述1名美國女子與1名英國男子起初墜入愛河,之後搬離對方,以測試他們之間關係的故事。 最佳紀錄片「如何死在俄勒岡」(How to die in Oregon,暫譯)則是今年日舞影展最多人談論的影片之一,片中檢視安樂死議題,有一段畫面是1名身患絕症的婦人使用過量藥物,在鏡頭前死去的影像。(譯者:中央社許雅筑)100013日舞影展贏家 必看獨立製片
2011/01/30 16:41