


搜狐娛樂訊曾執導過《異形》和《角斗士》的大導演雷德利-斯科特,最近即將推出科幻巨制《普羅米修斯》(Prometheus)。去年年末,華納電影公司曾放出消息,斯科特在完成本片之後,很可能啟動一個更加令影迷期待的項目:為其拍攝於80年代的經典科幻神作《銀翼殺手》拍攝一部續集。今日又有消息稱,第一集的編劇漢普頓-芬奇(Hampton Fancher)將繼續為該片操刀劇本。布羅德里克-約翰遜和安德魯-科索沃已確定為該片的執行製片人。







Ridley Scott surprised science fiction fans when he signed on with 20th Century Fox to directPrometheus, the Not-an-Alien-Prequel (that sounds exactly like an Alien prequel). This week, Ridley Scott did something very similar, and this time, the subject is an even Holier Grail than the Alien franchise. Scott has signed with Alcon Entertainment (The Blind SideThe Book of Eli) to direct a follow up film to his 1982 classic science fiction/film noir hybrid Blade Runner. There's no word yet as to whether this new film will be a prequel or a sequel. Harrison Ford isnot expected to be involved with this film. But really, most fans who understood the hints inBlade Runner probably shouldn't be surprised that the 69 year old star wouldn't be returning to play Deckard (presuming, of course, that the popular theories about Deckard are true). For those that don't know, Blade Runner was set in a dystopian future Los Angeles where a massive corporation has perfected the science of bioengineered androids called Replicants, who possess superhuman attributes but have very short lifespans. Daryl Hannah, Rutger Hauer, Brion James, Edward James Olmos, Joe Turkel and Sean Young also costarred in Blade Runner (and they were all, in this writer's opinion, awesome; probably all of their careers' best roles, or close to it). There's no writer for the new project yet. Alcon Entertainment producer Andrew Kosgrove expects that the earliest that the new movie could start filming would be sometime in 2013.



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