紗倉真菜,是最受日本女性歡迎的成人片女優,但她同時還是一名暢銷書作家。愛讀村上春樹的她,根據自身經歷寫了一本小說《最低》,剛出版就攻占日本暢銷書排行,還被著名導演瀨瀨敬久相中,改編為電影上映,入圍2017年東京電影節競賽項目。 Mana Sakura, the most popular AV idol among Japanese females, is also a best-selling author who loves reading Haruki Murakami’s books. Based on her personal experience, she wrote a novel called The Lowlife which became a best-seller right after publication. The novel was also adapted by the renowned director Takahisa Zeze and nominated in the Tokyo International Film Festival.