LIAM McIntyre is Spartacus. The Camberwell actor has cracked America landing the lead role in the TV series Spartacus: Blood and Sand. The 28-year-old relatively unknown actor will jet off to New Zealand for filming soon, writes Christopher Gillett. "My brain nearly exploded at 4am when I found out," said McIntyre. "I wanted it so much . . . it's the greatest thing." McIntyre will replace former lead Andy Whitfield who was diagnosed last year with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. But McIntyre had to pack on muscle for the heavyweight role after losing 20kg for a previous role. "That director wanted me to look like Christian Bale in The Machinist. The first thing I thought (when I got this role) was 'thank Christ I get to eat food again'." McIntyre's "quick" rise to fame comes after years of hard work. "I was sending off emails every night to agents and performed and did classes" he said. "My dad always told me if you work really hard then you will be surprised how lucky you are."