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《凱莉日記》很慘淡[保存到相冊] |
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《凱莉日記》開播能否延續《慾望都市》傳奇 ]
搜狐娛樂訊《凱莉日記》(The Carrie Diaries)是CW電視台繼《緋聞女孩》(Gossip Girl)之後再度打造的青春偶像題材劇,該劇是HBO劇集《慾望都市》(Sex and the City)的正宗前傳,故事的主人公是年輕時代的Carrie Bradshaw(《慾望都市》主人公之一)——愛情、性、友情、親情、高中學習和曼哈頓的交際場構成了她生活的全部。《凱莉日記》第一季於北京時間1月15日開播,搜狐視頻每週二更新。《凱莉日記》由《慾望都市》的作者坎黛絲-布什內爾(Candace Bushnell)創作,講述了《慾望都市》中的核心女主角凱利-布拉德肖(Carrie Bradshaw飾演)高中時代的生活。1984年—— 對只有16歲的Carrie Bradshaw(AnnaSophia Robb飾演)來說,生活並不容易。母親去世後,Carrie的妹妹Dorritt(Stefania Owen飾演)變得比以往更加叛逆,父親Tom(Matt Letscher飾演)則忍受不了家中突如其來的變故及必須獨自撫養兩個未成年女兒的現實。Tom提出讓Carrie去曼哈頓的一家律師事務所實習, 初次來到紐約城,Carrie立刻被這裡的繁華和熱鬧吸引了。她的眼睛睜得大大的,生怕錯過了任何不看就後悔的景色。很快她見到了《訪談》(Interview)雜誌時尚版的編輯Larissa(Freema Agyeman飾演),Larissa的氣質、時尚的生活方式和獨特的“俱樂部文化”令Carrie羨慕不已。儘管Carrie的家人和朋友永遠在她心目中佔據重要位置,但當她第一眼見到自己的新“情人”,她就不能自拔地深愛上他。他就是——美麗的曼哈頓。
As it turns out we finally got a Sex and the City rumor that might be a little bit true. After Monday's story that a possible new TV season of the HBO show might be in the works, Deadline reports that Carrie Bradshaw could in fact be headed back to television, just not in the form you already know her. There are apparently talks between Warner Bros. Television and The CW to produce a series based on The Carrie Diaries, Candance Bushnell's book that meets the character in her teenage years, serving as kind of a prequel to the hit HBO series.
Yes, before there was Big and Manolos and Berger with his Post-It note, there was Carrie living in a small Midwestern town, competing on the swim team and caring for her two younger sisters. Because this is a story set in high school it shouldn't surprise you that Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, the masterminds behindGossip Girl and The O.C., are being courted to make the TV show a reality. As you might expect, the people involved with the original series-- creator Darren Starr, showrunner Michael Patrick King and star Sarah Jessica Parker-- aren't attached right now, though you can imagine that if The Carrie Diaries becomes a hit, Parker might find room for herself in a cameo role somewhere.
Of all the objectively terrible ideas that have emerged as ways to keep the Sex and the City franchise going, including a third movie and a prequel movie, this seems like the least awful. The Carrie Diaries, from the reports of those who have read it, is different enough from Sex and the City that it might be able to stand on its own-- Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte don't even come into the picture as characters, though who knows if that might change as the show goes forward. I still resent the show for getting too glitzy in the last few seasons, so I'm not exactly excited to see this-- but I know myself well enough to know that I'll watch it anyway.
The CW has emerged as the favorite to land the Sex and the City prequel, The Carrie Diaries. HBO, which holds the rights to the Candace Bushnell book about Carrie Bradshaw’s High School years, is said to be looking for a more age appropriate outlet for the series than their own brand which caters to the True Blood, Entourage, R-rated fare.
The Carrie Diaries follows Carrie Bradshaw, the character memorably played by Sarah Jessica Parker in the HBO series Sex and the City and in two subsequent feature films, when she was a bright and fashionable teenager living in New England in the 1980’s.
The book begins with Carrie in High School and chronicles her attempts to become a writer, her relationship with her single father and two sisters and her eventual friendship with a friend’s cool New York cousin, Samantha Jones. The book’s sequel Summer and the City was released in April and fully introduces Carrie’s cool new New York friends Samantha Jones and Miranda Hobbes.
This isn’t the first we’ve heard of an adaptation of The Carrie Diaries. In February, /Film reported that Gossip Girl and Green Lantern star Blake Lively was rumored for a feature adaptation of the book with Sex and the City creator Michael Patrick King writing and directing but nothing came of the rumor.
Now, HBO and CW are allegedly putting a deal together to spin the book into a series with Chuckproducer Josh Schwartz in charge. The networks will need to close a deal for the series before casting can begin, though it’s fair to speculate that the role of young Carrie Bradshaw will be highly sought after among Hollywood’s young actress set.
As for Sex and the City creator Michael Patrick King and star/executive producer Sarah Jessica Parker, Deadline reported, when they broke the story of The Carrie Diaries series adaptation, that both King and Parker have denied involvement.
Stay tuned as we will let you know if HBO and CW finalize their deal for The Carrie Diaries.
「慾望城市」前傳 找到嫩版4慾女
眾所矚目的「慾望城市」(Sex and the City)前傳,到底由誰擔綱演出?最新的消息指出,年輕版的四位「慾女」可能是「花邊教主」(Gossip Girl)布蕾克萊佛莉(Blake Lively)、小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber)女友賽琳娜戈梅茲(Selena Gomez)、茱莉亞羅勃茲(Julia Roberts)的姪女艾瑪羅勃茲(Emma Roberts)以及伊莉莎白歐森(Elizabeth Olsen)。
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賽琳娜戈梅茲將飾演年輕版的 夏綠蒂。 (路透資料照片) |
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伊莉莎白歐森將在「慾望城市」前傳扮演靈魂人物 凱莉。 (路透資料照片) |
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布蕾克萊佛莉將飾演作風大膽的珊 曼莎。 (美聯社) |
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艾瑪羅勃茲可能演幹練的紅髮律師 米蘭達。 (法新社) |
伊莉莎白歐森是好萊塢知名雙胞胎姊妹花瑪莉凱特歐森(Mary-Kate Olsen)和艾希莉歐森(Ashley Olsen)的妹妹。今年日舞影展伊莉莎白歐森推出兩部令媒體讚賞的電影,分別是烏拉圭導演執導的「Silent House」及「雙面瑪莎」(Martha Marcy May Marlene)。