雨果的冒險 奧斯卡入圍大贏家

布萊德彼特(Brad Pitt)主演的「魔球」(Moneyball)和大導史蒂芬史匹柏(Steven Spielberg)執導的「戰馬」(War Horse)則同獲6項提名,並列第3。
梅莉史翠普(Meryl Streep)在「鐵娘子:堅固柔情」(The Iron Lady)中飾演前英國首相佘契爾夫人(Margaret Thatcher),演技精湛,一如預期獲得影后提名。另外,布萊德彼特則將和喬治克隆尼(George Clooney)共同角逐影帝。
最佳外語片提名包括日前獲得金球獎的伊朗強片「分居風暴」(A Separation);台灣電影「賽德克.巴萊--彩虹戰士」則很可惜未能擠入最後角逐5片名單。
奧斯卡獎將在2月26日於柯達劇院(Kodak Theatre)頒獎,主持人是名諧星比利克里斯托(Billy Crystal),美國廣播公司(ABC)現場直播。
最佳影片:「大藝術家」(The Artist)「戰馬」(War Horse)「姊妹」(The Help)「繼承人生」(The Descendants)「雨果的冒險」(Hugo)「魔球」(Moneyball)「永生樹」(The Tree of Life)「心靈鑰匙」(Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close)「午夜.巴黎」(Midnight In Paris)
最佳男主角:喬治克隆尼(George Clooney),「繼承人生」(The Descendants);蓋瑞歐德曼(Gary Oldman),「諜影行動」(Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy);尚杜加丹(Jean Dujardin),「大藝術家」(The Artist);布萊德彼特(Brad Pitt),「魔球」(Moneyball);德米安畢齊(Demian Bichir),「一個更好的人生」(A Better Life)
最佳女主角:葛倫克蘿絲(Glenn Close),「變裝男侍」;(Albert Nobbs)魯妮瑪拉(Rooney Mara),「千禧三部曲I:龍紋身的女孩」(The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo);薇拉戴維絲(Viola Davis),「姊妹」(The Help) ;梅莉史翠普(Meryl Streep),「鐵娘子:堅固柔情」(The Iron Lady);蜜雪兒威廉絲(Michelle Williams),「夢露與我的浪漫週記」(My Week with Marilyn)
最佳男配角:肯尼斯布萊納(Kenneth Branagh),「夢露與我的浪漫週記」(My Week with Marilyn);喬納希爾(Jonah Hill),「魔球」(Moneyball);尼克諾特(Nick Nolte),「勇者無敵」(Warrior);麥斯馮西度(Max Von Sydow),「心靈鑰匙」(Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close);克里斯多夫普拉瑪(Christopher Plummer),「新手人生」(Beginners)
最佳女配角:貝芮妮絲貝喬(Berenice Bejo),「大藝術家」(The Artist);潔西卡雀絲坦(Jessica Chastain),「姊妹」(The Help);瑪莉莎麥卡錫(Melissa McCarthy),「伴娘我最大」(Bridesmaids);珍娜麥提爾(Janet McTeer),「變裝男侍」(Albert Nobbs);奧塔薇亞史班森(Octavia Spencer),「姊妹」(The Help)
最佳導演:伍迪艾倫(Woody Allen),「午夜.巴黎」(Midnight In Paris);米歇爾哈札納維西斯(Michel Hazanavicius),「大藝術家」(The Artist);亞歷山大潘恩(Alexander Payne),「繼承人生」(The Descendants);馬丁史柯西斯(Martin Scorsese),「雨果的冒險」(Hugo);泰倫馬力克(Terrence Malick),「永生樹」(The Tree of Life)
最佳外語片:比利時:「牛頭悲歌」(Bullhead)以色列:「老子我最大」(Footnote)波蘭:「在黑暗中」(In Darkness,暫譯)加拿大:「拉札先生」(Monsieur Lazhar,暫譯)伊朗:「分居風暴」(A Separation)
最佳動畫片:「飆風雷哥」(Rango)「功夫熊貓2」(Kung Fu Panda 2)「鞋貓劍客」(Puss in Boots)「樂來樂愛妳」(Chico & Rita)「巴黎夜貓」(A Cat in Paris)
最佳原著劇本:「午夜.巴黎」,伍迪艾倫「大藝術家」,米歇爾哈札納維西斯「分居風暴」,法哈迪(Asghar Farhadi)「伴娘我最大」(Bridesmaids),威格(Kristen Wiig)和牧木駱(Annie Mumulo)「黑心交易員的告白」(Margin Call),強鐸爾(JC Chandor)
最佳改編劇本:「繼承人生」,法克松(Nat Faxon)、潘恩宜(Alexander Payne)和拉許(Jim Rash)「魔球」,索金(Aaron Sorkin)、扎利安 (Steven Zaillian)和薛文(Stan Chervin)「雨果的冒險」,羅根(John Logan)「諜影行動」,歐康納(Bridget O’Connor)和史卓翰(Peter Straughan)「選戰風雲」,喬治克隆尼(George Clooney)、赫司洛夫(Grant Heslov)和威理蒙(Beau Willimon)
最佳攝影:「大藝術家」「千禧三部曲I:龍紋身的女孩」(The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)「雨果的冒險」「永生樹」(The Tree of Life)「戰馬」
最佳音效:「千禧三部曲I:龍紋身的女孩」「雨果的冒險」「魔球」「變形金剛3」(Transformers: Dark of the Moon)「戰馬」
最佳電影配樂:「丁丁歷險記」,威廉斯(John Williams)「大藝術家」,布爾斯(Ludovic Bource)「雨果的冒險」,蕭爾(Howard Shore)「諜影行動」,伊格禮夏斯(Alberto Iglesias)「戰馬」,威廉斯
最佳電影歌曲:「布偶」(The Muppets)的Man or Muppet,麥肯錫(Bret McKenzie)「里約大冒險」(Rio)的Real in Rio,孟迪斯(Sergio Mendes)、布朗(Carlinhos Brown)和賈瑞特(Siedah Garrett)
最佳服裝設計:「莎士比亞的祕密」(Anonymous)「大藝術家」「雨果的冒險」「簡愛」(Jane Eyre)「溫莎公爵的情人」(W.E.)
最佳紀錄片:「地獄歸來」(Hell and Back Again)「如果樹倒下:一個地球解放陣線的故事」(If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front)「失樂園3:煉獄」(Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory)「碧娜鮑許」(Pina)「不敗戰神」(Undefeated)
最佳視覺效果:「哈利波特:死神的聖物Ⅱ」「雨果的冒險」「鋼鐵擂台」(Real Steel)「猩球崛起」(Rise of the Planet of the Apes)「變形金剛3」(譯者:中央社許宏裕)1010125
Best Picture
- “The Artist” Thomas Langmann, Producer
- “The Descendants” Jim Burke, Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor, Producers
- “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” Scott Rudin, Producer
- “The Help” Brunson Green, Chris Columbus and Michael Barnathan, Producers
- “Hugo” Graham King and Martin Scorsese, Producers
- “Midnight in Paris” Letty Aronson and Stephen Tenenbaum, Producers
- “Moneyball” Michael De Luca, Rachael Horovitz and Brad Pitt, Producers
- “The Tree of Life” Nominees to be determined
- “War Horse“ Steven Spielberg and Kathleen Kennedy, Producers
- “The Artist” Michel Hazanavicius
- “The Descendants” Alexander Payne
- “Hugo” Martin Scorsese
- “Midnight in Paris” Woody Allen
- “The Tree of Life” Terrence Malick
Actor in a Leading Role
- Demián Bichir in “A Better Life”
- George Clooney in “The Descendants”
- Jean Dujardin in “The Artist”
- Gary Oldman in “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”
- Brad Pitt in “Moneyball”
Actress in a Leading Role
- Glenn Close in “Albert Nobbs”
- Viola Davis in “The Help”
- Rooney Mara in “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”
- Meryl Streep in “The Iron Lady”
- Michelle Williams in “My Week with Marilyn”
Actor in a Supporting Role
- Kenneth Branagh in “My Week with Marilyn”
- Jonah Hill in “Moneyball”
- Nick Nolte in “Warrior”
- Christopher Plummer in “Beginners”
- Max von Sydow in “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”
Actress in a Supporting Role
- Bérénice Bejo in “The Artist”
- Jessica Chastain in “The Help”
- Melissa McCarthy in “Bridesmaids”
- Janet McTeer in “Albert Nobbs”
- Octavia Spencer in “The Help”
Animated Feature Film
- “A Cat in Paris” Alain Gagnol and Jean-Loup Felicioli
- “Chico & Rita” Fernando Trueba and Javier Mariscal
- “Kung Fu Panda 2″ Jennifer Yuh Nelson
- “Puss in Boots” Chris Miller
- “Rango” Gore Verbinski
Art Direction
- “The Artist”
Production Design: Laurence Bennett; Set Decoration: Robert Gould - “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2“
Production Design: Stuart Craig; Set Decoration: Stephenie McMillan - “Hugo”
Production Design: Dante Ferretti; Set Decoration: Francesca Lo Schiavo - “Midnight in Paris”
Production Design: Anne Seibel; Set Decoration: Hélène Dubreuil - “War Horse”
Production Design: Rick Carter; Set Decoration: Lee Sandales
- “The Artist” Guillaume Schiffman
- “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Jeff Cronenweth
- “Hugo” Robert Richardson
- “The Tree of Life” Emmanuel Lubezki
- “War Horse” Janusz Kaminski
Costume Design
- “Anonymous” Lisy Christl
- “The Artist” Mark Bridges
- “Hugo” Sandy Powell
- “Jane Eyre” Michael O’Connor
- “W.E.” Arianne Phillips
Documentary (Feature)
- “Hell and Back Again”
Danfung Dennis and Mike Lerner - “If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front”
Marshall Curry and Sam Cullman - “Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory”
Charles Ferguson and Audrey Marrs - “Pina”
Wim Wenders and Gian-Piero Ringel - “Undefeated”
TJ Martin, Dan Lindsay and Richard Middlemas
Documentary (Short Subject)
- “The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement”
Robin Fryday and Gail Dolgin - “God Is the Bigger Elvis”
Rebecca Cammisa and Julie Anderson - “Incident in New Baghdad”
James Spione - “Saving Face”
Daniel Junge and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy - “The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom”
Lucy Walker and Kira Carstensen
Film Editing
- “The Artist” Anne-Sophie Bion and Michel Hazanavicius
- “The Descendants” Kevin Tent
- “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall
- “Hugo” Thelma Schoonmaker
- “Moneyball” Christopher Tellefsen
Foreign Language Film
- “Bullhead” Belgium
- “Footnote” Israel
- “In Darkness” Poland
- “Monsieur Lazhar” Canada
- “A Separation” Iran
- “Albert Nobbs”
Martial Corneville, Lynn Johnston and Matthew W. Mungle - “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2″
Edouard F. Henriques, Gregory Funk and Yolanda Toussieng - “The Iron Lady”
Mark Coulier and J. Roy Helland
Music (Original Score)
- “The Adventures of Tintin” John Williams
- “The Artist” Ludovic Bource
- “Hugo” Howard Shore
- “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” Alberto Iglesias
- “War Horse” John Williams
Music (Original Song)
- “Man or Muppet” from “The Muppets” Music and Lyric by Bret McKenzie
- “Real in Rio” from “Rio” Music by Sergio Mendes and Carlinhos Brown Lyric by Siedah Garrett
Short Film (Animated)
- “Dimanche/Sunday” Patrick Doyon
- “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore” William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg
- “La Luna” Enrico Casarosa
- “A Morning Stroll” Grant Orchard and Sue Goffe
- “Wild Life” Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby
Short Film (Live Action)
- “Pentecost” Peter McDonald and Eimear O’Kane
- “Raju” Max Zähle and Stefan Gieren
- “The Shore” Terry George and Oorlagh George
- “Time Freak” Andrew Bowler and Gigi Causey
- “Tuba Atlantic” Hallvar Witzø
Sound Editing
- “Drive” Lon Bender and Victor Ray Ennis
- “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Ren Klyce
- “Hugo” Philip Stockton and Eugene Gearty
- “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” Ethan Van der Ryn and Erik Aadahl
- “War Horse” Richard Hymns and Gary Rydstrom
Sound Mixing
- “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”
David Parker, Michael Semanick, Ren Klyce and Bo Persson - “Hugo”
Tom Fleischman and John Midgley - “Moneyball”
Deb Adair, Ron Bochar, Dave Giammarco and Ed Novick - “Transformers: Dark of the Moon”
Greg P. Russell, Gary Summers, Jeffrey J. Haboush and Peter J. Devlin - “War Horse”
Gary Rydstrom, Andy Nelson, Tom Johnson and Stuart Wilson
Visual Effects
- “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2″
Tim Burke, David Vickery, Greg Butler and John Richardson - “Hugo”
Rob Legato, Joss Williams, Ben Grossman and Alex Henning - “Real Steel”
Erik Nash, John Rosengrant, Dan Taylor and Swen Gillberg - “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”
Joe Letteri, Dan Lemmon, R. Christopher White and Daniel Barrett - “Transformers: Dark of the Moon”
Scott Farrar, Scott Benza, Matthew Butler and John Frazier
Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
- “The Descendants” Screenplay by Alexander Payne and Nat Faxon & Jim Rash
- “Hugo” Screenplay by John Logan
- “The Ides of March” Screenplay by George Clooney & Grant Heslov and Beau Willimon
- “Moneyball” Screenplay by Steven Zaillian and Aaron Sorkin Story by Stan Chervin
- “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” Screenplay by Bridget O’Connor & Peter Straughan
Writing (Original Screenplay)
- “The Artist” Written by Michel Hazanavicius
- “Bridesmaids” Written by Annie Mumolo & Kristen Wiig
- “Margin Call” Written by J.C. Chandor
- “Midnight in Paris” Written by Woody Allen
- “A Separation” Written by Asghar Farhadi