漫畫吹同志風 「綠光戰警」出櫃了
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據法新社報導,DC在聲明中表示,第一代綠光戰警亞倫史考特(Alan Scott)下周將再次出場,他是個「A型人格、愛好正義的領導人物,也是名同性戀者」。
系列作者詹姆斯羅賓森(James Robinson)表示,雖然要大幅改寫綠光戰警,不過老讀者會很驚喜發現,某些部分仍會展現「經典」的亞倫史考特,他依舊是個充滿活力的英雄人物。
漫畫圈最近力求將多元種族與性傾向帶進這個想像世界。DC漫畫的蝙蝠女是同志,而驚奇漫畫公司(Marvel)的「驚異X戰警」(Astonishing X-Men)也預定會上演超級英雄的同志結婚戲碼。
【2012/06/03 世界日報】 |
DC Comics’ New Gay Green Lantern & Marvel’s First Same-Sex Marriage
Jun 1, 2012 4:45 AM EDT
Green-ring bearer Alan Scott will be reintroduced as gay in a new series. Why comics are diversifying—and what their creators say to groups accusing them of 'brainwashing' kids.
Watching Ryan Reynolds dish out one-liners as The Green Lantern’s womanizing superhero, Hal Jordan, might make a gay Green Lantern somewhat hard to imagine. But with Earth 2, a new series in DC Comics’ The New 52,which reimagines some of DC’s most iconic characters, the green-ring bearer is officially out of the closet. Alan Scott, the first superhero to bear the name “Green Lantern” (not to be confused with the Reynolds-portrayed Hal Jordan), will be reintroduced as an openly gay man in Issue 2 of Earth 2, released next Wednesday.
“One of the things that comic-book writers want to do is inject as much realism as possible into their comics,”Earth 2 writer James Robinson told The Daily Beast. “Obviously, we have gay people in life, so we have gay people in comics.”
Although the character of Alan Scott has a history with women (he’s previously gotten flirty with his part-time secretary/part-time villainous rival Harlequin, and even married and had two kids), the new series wipes Scott’s backstory completely clean—that’s not to say, however, that he’s lost any of his “super” qualities. “He’s not just The Gay Character,” Robinson said. “He’s Alan Scott, he’s the leader of the team. He’s a Type-A personality and a successful businessman; he’s gallant, he’s brave, he’s all the things you’d want in a hero.”
DC’s announcement is undoubtedly timely. It comes at a time when President Obama’s endorsement of same-sex marriage and North Carolina’s rejection of its marriage-equality bill are still fresh in people’s minds. And just yesterday, a federal court of appeals issued a ruling declaring the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. But according to Robinson, Green Lantern’s “coming out” has been in the works for at least eight months and happened simply because “it just makes sense.” “The only thing about making Alan Scott young again was that we’d lose Jade, his daughter, and Obsidian, his gay son,” Robinson said. “Eight months ago when I was thinking about all this, I was like, ‘You know what, why don’t we just make Alan Scott gay?’ I ran it past [DC Comics co-publisher] Dan DiDio and he was like, ‘Yeah, that’s a great idea!’”

Courtesy of DC Comics
For his part, Alan looks happy. Images released from the coming-out issue show a smiling, off-duty Green Lantern kissing a man named Sam, who appears to be his partner. The couple makes plans to visit a “super exclusive, luxurious” lodge hotel in the country and walk off toward their chauffeur-driven car, arms around each others’ waists.
Of course, Green Lantern is not the only gay comic book hero who’s been making headlines lately. On the other side of the comic-book fence is rival Marvel Comics, which announced last week that it would be hosting its first same-sex wedding in the June 20 issue of Astonishing X-Men. Superhero speedster Northstar (who was also the first major comic-book character to declare himself gay in 1992’s Alpha Flight #106) is tying the knot with his longtime partner, Kyle—making for comics’ first interracial, same-sex marriage.
“The fact that it’s taken this long for us to address these issues in comics is very telling,” Astonishing X-Men writer Marjorie Liu told The Daily Beast. “It says a lot about how uncomfortable people felt with taking risks on subjects that might be controversial. Now I think people feel a bit safer doing so because the tide is being turned. Gay rights is an issue that’s discussed more openly, gay marriage is now legal in New York—they’re not going to lose as much by speaking about it.”
“The way that gay characters have been embraced on mainstream TV and cable have helped things along,” added Marvel editor in chief Axel Alonso. “My favorite character from TV is Omar from The Wire, so maybe all those things have played a factor.”

Courtesy of Marvel Comics
Not everyone’s sending the soon-to-be-newlywed X-Man good wishes, however. Conservative Christian lobby One Million Moms released a statement this week condemning both Marvel and DC for featuring gay characters in their pages. “Can you imagine little boys saying, ‘I want a boyfriend or husband like X-Men?’ ” the organization wrote in a statement. “This is ridiculous! Why do adult gay men need comic superheroes as role models? They want to indoctrinate impressionable young minds by placing these gay characters on pedestals in a positive light. These companies are heavily influencing our youth by using children’s superheroes to desensitize and brainwash them into thinking that a gay lifestyle choice is normal and desirable. As Christians, we know that homosexuality is a sin.”
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同志超能英雄北極星(Northstar)婚禮(路透) |
將於二十三日上市的「驚異X戰警(Astonishing X-Men)」第五十期中,「北極星」博畢爾將在金鋼狼等眾多超級英雄同伴面前,公開向男友凱爾求婚,並在六月二十日上市的第五十一期中完婚,婚禮在紐約市舉行。
「北極星」一九九二年公開自己是同性戀,是「驚奇漫畫」首位出櫃的同志英雄,二○○九年認識凱爾。X戰警編劇瑪喬麗.劉(Marjorie Liu)說,超級英雄的感情世界向來被忽略,「北極星」與凱爾此時結婚很適當。
二○○二年,DC漫畫旗下「暴風」漫畫的「權力戰隊(The Authority)」中也有一對同志超級英雄情侶「阿波羅(Apollo)」和「夜行俠(Midnighter)」結婚,此後,漫畫界陸續出現同志或跨性別的英雄或惡棍角色,如DC漫畫的「蝙蝠女」,以及「驚奇漫畫」的「少年復仇者(Young Avengers)」中「小浩克(Hulkling)」和少年版雷神索爾「威肯(Wiccan)」也是一對同性戀人。