〔本報訊〕美國加州屠殺案有最新進展,警方在已身亡的槍手艾略特.羅傑(Elliot Rodger)的公寓中發現3具屍體,再度震驚美國社會。
外電消息指出,這起慘案發生在加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校附近的大學城,伊斯拉維斯塔鎮(Isla Vista),而槍手也住在這個鎮上。槍擊案發生後,艾略特已身亡,警方進入他居住的公寓,赫然發現3具遺體,但尚未確認這3具遺體是否讓這起慘案的死亡人數增加到10人。
2014-05-25 09:20
〔本報訊〕聖塔芭芭拉校區附近的海岸大學城伊斯拉維斯塔鎮(Isla Vista),昨日發生槍手持槍射殺6人、7人重傷後自己也頭部中槍身亡的重大社會案件,兇手是22歲的艾略特.羅傑(Elliot Rodger),他殺人後舉槍自盡。案發後,外界懷疑艾略特是電影《飢餓遊戲》副導演彼得.羅傑(Peter Rodger)的兒子,而羅傑家的律師在最新發表的一份聲明中,證實艾略特就是彼得之子。
22歲大學生 飛車獨狼式攻擊
〔編譯詹立群/綜合報導〕美國加州大學聖塔芭芭拉校區附近的海岸大學城伊斯拉維斯塔鎮(Isla Vista),當地時間二十三日晚間九點半發生「獨狼式攻擊」的濫殺案,二十二歲的大學生艾略特.羅傑開著黑色BMW汽車在多處地點朝街上人群濫射,之後又與警方駁火,造成包括自己在內至少七人死亡。他在行凶前把名為「羅傑的復仇」的影片貼上影音網站YouTube,說明是因為向女孩求愛遭拒才要報復。
朝人群多處開火 被警方擊斃
California gunman 'was filmmaker Peter Rodger's son'
A video emerged of Elliot Rodger threatening revenge
A Hollywood filmmaker believes his son carried out drive-by shootings that killed six people in California late on Friday, a family lawyer says.
Peter Rodger, who was assistant director on The Hunger Games, thinks the attacker was his 22-year-old son Elliot, the statement said.
The gunman died of bullet wounds after going on a rampage near Santa Barbara.
Police are investigating a video in which a man complains of rejection by women, threatening revenge.
Authorities have not confirmed the identity of the gunman, or that of the young man seen in the YouTube video.
But Peter Rodger's lawyer, Alan Shifman, said on Saturday that the "family believes the child was the perpetrator".
He said the son had Asperger's syndrome, had trouble making friends and had been receiving professional help.
Mr Shifman added that the family had contacted police about "recent posts on YouTube" by Elliot "regarding suicide and the killing of people".
The family is "devastated" and co-operating with police, he said.
Ricardo Martinez, whose 20-year-old son Christopher was one of the victims, spoke of his grief.
"When will this insanity stop? ... Too many have died. We should say to ourselves 'Not one more'," he said.
Ricardo Martinez: "[Christopher's] death has left our family lost and broken"
Bullet wounds
Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown told reporters on Friday that police were treating the incident as "premeditated mass murder".
It occurred in the area of Isla Vista, near the University of California-Santa Barbara campus.
Witnesses described seeing a black BMW speeding through the streets, with shots being fired at people.
Police say they were alerted around 21:30 on Friday (04:30 GMT on Saturday). Six minutes later, the suspect and responding officers exchanged gunfire.
Lawyer Alan Shifman: "The world has got to spend more on its mental health system"
The suspect fled. But after a second exchange of fire with police, he eventually crashed into a parked vehicle.
He was found dead in his car with a bullet wound to the head. although police say it is not yet clear whether the wound was self-inflicted.
A semi-automatic handgun was recovered from the vehicle.
Seven other people are in hospital, and being treated for bullet wounds.
The University of California-Santa Barbara said was "shocked and saddened'' by the shootings and that several of its students had been taken to hospital.
![map showing area of shootings](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/75082000/jpg/_75082127_santa_barbara_shooting_624_v2.jpg&width=624&height=391)
Santa Barbara shootings timeline, 23 May
21:27 local time: Shootings begin
21:33: Police exchange fire with gunman, who flees in his vehicle
Seconds later: More police exchange fire. Car crashes in Del Playa Drive, alleged gunman found dead