PETA亞洲的調查記錄表明幼熊被鏈接或直接連線牆而被迫保持直立,有時幾個小時,以訓練他們走他們的後腿。如果他們不能持有自己了,他們的風險窒息和掛自己。強制熊放置的時間對他們的後腿,可導致終身身體問題長時間。靳一碰,中國農業大學動物醫學院副教授,指出:“從長遠來看,導致永久性關節損傷甚至壞死,癱瘓。... [T]他的動物經常獲得這些問題在他們的青春,這意味著他們苦為他們的生活休息。“ 有的幼熊被短繩拴在地一勾,使其無法移動多了幾個寸在任何方向。熊也被強制通過暴力和恐嚇,躍過對象,走在他們的手,並執行其他混亂的技巧。正如在視頻中看到,小熊哭著,尖叫著,哼了一聲,訓練中呻吟。他們多次拒絕,但在猛拉他們的脖子的繩索教練,他們拖著,通過在他們的背上的皮毛抓住他們,朝他們大喊,並迫使他們繼續。
Throughout China, circuses, traveling shows, and roadside zoos force animals—including bears, monkeys, tigers, lions, dogs, and others—to perform for the public. A PETA Asia investigator visited 10 different circuses and animal training facilities in the city of Suzhou, which alone encompasses more than 300 circuses, and documented animal abuse and suffering on a massive scale.
PETA Asia's investigator documented that bear cubs are chained or tethered to a wall and forced to remain upright, sometimes for hours, in order to train them to walk on their hind legs. If they can’t hold themselves up, they risk choking and hanging themselves.
Forcing bears to stand for prolonged periods of time on their hind legs can cause lifelong physical problems. Jin Yipeng, deputy professor of veterinary medicine at China Agricultural University, notes, “Over the long term that causes permanent joint damage or even necrosis and paralysis. … [T]he animals often acquire these problems in their youth, meaning they suffer for the rest of their lives.”
Some bear cubs were tethered to a hook in the ground by a short rope, making it impossible to move more than a few inches in any direction. Bears were also forced—through violence and intimidation—to jump over objects, walk on their hands, and perform other confusing tricks. As seen in the video, the cubs cried, screamed, grunted, and groaned during training. They repeatedly resisted, but trainers yanked on their neck ropes, dragged them, grabbed them by the fur on their backs, yelled at them, and forced them to continue.