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00:00:00* [Tr.01] ひとしずくのせつなさ (A Drop in the Bucket) 00:02:38 [Tr.02] レディNOBUKO (Lady NOBUKO)

00:05:15* [Tr.03] 聞いてください (Please, listen)

00:07:23 *[Tr.04] 望郷 (Homesickness)

00:10:39 *[Tr.05] さよならは言わないで~良子~ (Don't Say Goodbye~Yoshiko~) 00:12:55 [Tr.06] 危機のお時間B (Crisis Time B) 00:13:18 [Tr.07] 刮目 (Close Attention) 00:14:45 [Tr.08] トホホコメディ (Comedy-Drama) 00:16:40 [Tr.09] 厨房は大前線 (Kitchen is a Battlefield) 00:18:38 [Tr.10] 剣呑 (Risky) 00:20:47 [Tr.11] 危機のお時間C (Crisis Time C)

00:21:12 *[Tr.12] 残念イケメンの告白 (Confessions of a Disappointingly Handsome Man) 00:24:07 [Tr.13] メモリーズ (Memories) 00:25:59 [Tr.14] 暢子のとっておき (Nobuko's Keepsake) 00:27:49 [Tr.15] ルンルン気分でいきましょう (Let's be Positive) — Ft. maimie 00:29:34 [Tr.16] 恋(仮) (Love (Temporary))

00:32:09 *[Tr.17] 重子~在りし日のうた~ (Shigeko ~Songs of a Bygone Era) 00:34:45 [Tr.18] フォルクローレ (Folklore) 00:37:10 [Tr.19] 賢秀・清恵 (Kenshu・Kiyoe) 00:39:22 [Tr.20] Air 00:41:40 [Tr.21] 歌子・智 (Utako・Satoshi) 00:44:09 [Tr.22] ニーニーのフィーバータイム (Neenie's Fever Time) 00:46:08 [Tr.23] セレブレーション (Celebration) 00:49:39 [Tr.24] 恵みの島~Orchestral~ (Island of Grace~Orchestral~) 00:52:54 [Tr.25] 開店!「ちむどんどん」~前進~ (Opening!「Chimu Dondon」~Moving Forward~) 00:55:25 [Tr.26] 開店!「ちむどんどん」~転落~ (Opening!「Chimu Dondon」~Falling Down~) 00:58:34 [Tr.27] 矢作Rap (Yahagi Rap) 01:00:25 [Tr.28] 開店!「ちむどんどん」~希望~ (Opening!「Chimu Dondon」~Hope~) 01:01:54 [Tr.29] 開店!「ちむどんどん」~絶望~ (Opening!「Chimu Dondon」~Despair~) 01:03:36 [Tr.30] 開店!「ちむどんどん」~新たな船出~ (Opening!「Chimu Dondon」~A New Departure~) 01:06:25 [Tr.31] 母となる (Becoming a Mother) 01:09:39 [Tr.32] 恵みの島 (Island of Grace) — Ft. Emi Evans (エミ・エバンス) 01:12:21 [Tr.33] 夢みたい?!~フォンターナのテーマ~ (Dreamy?!~Fontana's Theme~)— Ft. Katsuhiko Nakashima (中嶋 克彦)











00:00:00 [Tr.01] 海と風と光と空と ~ちむどんどんメインテーマ~ (The Sea, The Wind, The Light, The Sky ~Chimu Dondon Main Theme~) — Ft. Emi Evans (エミ・エバンス) 00:03:06 [Tr.02] 椰子の実 (Coconut Palm) — Ft. Moka Kamishiraishi (上白石 萌歌) 00:07:08 [Tr.03] 追憶 (Reminiscence) 00:09:45 [Tr.04] やんばるの子らはみな走る (Every Yanbaru Children Running) — Ft. maimie 00:12:55 [Tr.05] あれ、どうしたさー? (Hey, what's up?) 00:14:41 [Tr.06] いつもの朝 (Usual Morning) 00:16:42 [Tr.07] 無骨な幼なじみ (Rugged Childhood Friend) 00:18:30 [Tr.08] 元気の使者 ~暢子のテーマ~ (Messenger of Energy ~Nobuko's Theme~) 00:20:18 [Tr.09] 風は知っている (The Wind Knows) 00:23:28 [Tr.10] また明日! (See You Tomorrow!) 00:24:06 [Tr.11] 食卓を囲んで (Around the Dining Table) 00:26:39 [Tr.12] 元気の使者 ~ピアノバージョン~ (Messenger of Energy ~Piano Version~) 00:29:06 [Tr.13] 二人の姉妹 (Two Sisters)

00:31:28 *[Tr.14] 土の祈り (Earth Prayer) 00:34:08 [Tr.15] 予兆 (Omen) 00:35:47 [Tr.16] しょんぼり (Being Downhearted) 00:38:04 [Tr.17] クッキング ~オリーブバージョン~ (Cooking ~Olive Version~) 00:39:32 [Tr.18] ちむどんどんイントロ (Chimu Dondon Intro) 00:40:06 [Tr.19] 夢のはじまり (Beginning of a Dream) 00:42:05 [Tr.20] クッキング ~沖縄バージョン~ (Cooking ~Okinawa Version~) 00:43:24 [Tr.21] 大外れ! (Big Miss!) 00:43:54 [Tr.22] これは恋? (Is This Love?) 00:45:54 [Tr.23] あー! もう!! (Ah! Oh, God!!) 00:47:53 [Tr.24] 下地オペラ (Opera) — Ft. Saki Nakae (中江 早希) 00:49:30 [Tr.25] 絶体絶命 (Stalemate) 00:50:27 [Tr.26] 家族事変 (Family Trouble) 00:53:07 [Tr.27] 夢みたい?! ~フォンターナのテーマ~ Accordion Ver. (Dreamy?! ~Fontana's Theme~ Accordion Ver.) 00:54:58 [Tr.28] みんなみんなビンボーが (Everybody and their Bimbo) 00:57:07 [Tr.29] 労働哀歌 (Labour Lament) — Ft. Shotaro Seo (瀬尾 祥太郎) and Oliver Good

00:59:16 *[Tr.30] ビッグな愛の物語 (A Big Love Story) — Ft. Saki Nakae (中江 早希) 01:02:02 [Tr.31] Run to Escape

01:04:06 *[Tr.32] 大人になるということ (Growing Up) 01:05:54 [Tr.33] ニーニーはカッコいいのさ (Neenie is Cool)

01:08:35 *[Tr.34] 海の向こう ~ニライカナイ~ (Beyond the Sea ~Paradise~) — Ft. Emi Evans (エミ・エバンス) 01:13:03 [Tr.35] 賢三 ~てぃんさぐぬ花インスト~ (Wise One ~Tinsagu nu Hana/The Balsam Flowers Instrumental~)










00:00:00 [Tr.01] 芭蕉布 (Bashōfu / Banana fibre clothes, typical clothing of Okinawa) — Ft. Moka Kamishiraishi (上白石 萌歌) 00:05:14 [Tr.02] 出発! (Departure!) 00:07:12 [Tr.03] 不機嫌な少年 (Grumpy Boy) 00:08:45 [Tr.04] 奇跡 (Miracle) 00:10:39 [Tr.05] 雲行き悪し (Things Looking Bad)

00:13:21 *[Tr.06] 出落ち (Leftovers) 00:15:37 [Tr.07] みんなで食べるとおいしいね (Delicious when eaten together) 00:17:50 [Tr.08] 男! 賢秀 (Man! Kenshu Era) 00:19:20 [Tr.09] ガンホー! (Gung Ho!)

00:21:12 *[Tr.10] 苦いソラ (Bitter Sole) 00:22:53 [Tr.11] オレ様は強いもんね (I'm strong, aren't I?) 00:24:55 [Tr.12] シンキングタイム (Thinking Time) 00:26:24 [Tr.13] A Heel 00:28:00 [Tr.14] 不安が押し寄せる (レベル1) (Insecurity is Overwhelming (Level 1)) 00:29:52 [Tr.15] なめんなよ! (Don't fuck with me!) 00:31:46 [Tr.16] 危機 (Crisis)

00:33:21 *[Tr.17] 別れ (Farewell) 00:36:08 [Tr.18] 不安が押し寄せる (レベル2) (Insecurity is Overwhelming (Level 2)) 00:38:27 [Tr.19] イキナリバトル (Very strange phenomenon where two or more people are killed off at the same time) 00:40:30 [Tr.20] 恋路の賢秀~男の背中~ (Wise Person on the Path of Love ~The Man's Back~) 00:42:07 [Tr.21] はいさい、めんそーれ! ~リトルオキナワ~ (Hai Sai, Mensore! ~Little Okinawa~) — Ft. maimie 00:43:42 [Tr.22] 新時代~大東京~ (New Era ~Greater Tokyo~)

00:45:43 *[Tr.23] 恋の季節 (Love Season)

00:47:53 *[Tr.24] ゴッドマザー (Godmother) 00:50:46 [Tr.25] 美味しいものはおいしいね (Good food tastes good, doesn't it?) 00:53:35 [Tr.26] うまさ昇天 (One's horse being exalted in heaven) — Ft. Saki Nakae (中江 早希) 00:55:08 [Tr.27] ヘタレコメディ (Bad Comedy) 00:56:18 [Tr.28] ガッカリフォンターナ (Disappointment Fontana) 00:58:20 [Tr.29] 危機のお時間A (Crisis Time A) 00:58:45 [Tr.30] 亀裂 (Crack)

01:01:01  *[Tr.31] 絆 (Bonds) 01:03:52 [Tr.32] 伝説の料理人の伝説 (Legend of the Legendary Chef) 01:05:43 [Tr.33] 聞きたいコトバ (Words you want to Hear) 01:08:38 [Tr.34] 翼をください (Wings to Fly) — Ft. Moka Kamishiraishi (上白石 萌歌) Buy the soundtrack and support the artists:

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    Life the Dog

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