

耐吉公司(Nike)的「Just do it」口號無疑是殺手級廣告標語和文宣,但啟發這個廣告界巨作的真的是一名殺手。

Nike廣告部門主管Dan Wieden承認,這句紅透半邊天的口號出自1977年遭判死刑的猶他州強盜謀殺犯Gary Gilmore,他在面對槍決隊行刑前說了「Just do it」。

Gary Gilmore
Gary Gilmore mugshot.jpg
Portland Police Bureau mug shot
Born Faye Robert Coffman (later changed to Gary Mark Gilmore)
December 4, 1940
McCamey, Texas, USA
Died January 17, 1977 (aged 36)
Draper, Utah, USA
Criminal charge
Armed robbery (3 counts)
Assault (2 counts)
Murder (2 counts)
Criminal penalty
Execution by firing squad
Criminal status Executed on January 17, 1977
Parent(s) Frank and Bessie Gilmore
Victims Max Jensen
Bennie Bushnell, 25
Date July 19 & 20, 1976
State(s) Utah
Location(s) Orem
Date apprehended
July 21, 1976

Gary Mark Gilmore (December 4, 1940 – January 17, 1977) was an American criminal who gained international notoriety for demanding the execution of hisdeath sentence for two murders he committed in Utah. After the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a new series of death penalty statutes in the 1976 decisionGregg v. Georgia, he became the first person executed in the United States in ten years.[1] These new statutes avoided the problems under the 1972 decision in Furman v. Georgia that had led earlier death penalty statutes to be deemed as "cruel and unusual", and therefore unconstitutional, resulting in all states being ordered to commute death sentences to life imprisonment. Gilmore was executed by firing squad in 1977

The founder of advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy, Lan Wieden credits the inspiration for his "Just Do It" Nike slogan to Gilmore's last words.


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