Single Junior High Graduate Has Been Risking His Life in the Wild for 20 Years




Published on Nov 2, 2018




In the past decade, 45-year-old A Gai Hong has been a plant hunter, the most dangerous job across Taiwan. He spends at least 100 days per year in forests collecting endangered plants to bring them back to the conservation center. He can be bitten by a poisonous snake or fall down from a tree at any time. Although only graduating from junior high, he’s now working with a group of postgraduates and doctors, and is called “Master Gai” by his colleagues.


Published on Apr 22, 2018
2050年 1/4植物滅絕 植物獵人 保種任務繞全球 全球升溫4.5℃ 亞馬遜69%植物恐消失! 熱帶雨林氣候嚴峻 植物獵人搏命護種 亞馬遜河盜獵走私猖獗 珍稀物種滅絕危機 全球暖化危機 ☀️ 2050年將有1/4 #植物 走向滅絕命運嗎?🌳 台灣有一群 身懷絕技的植物獵人 前進雨林為保種搏命🌿 發現: 世界最雄偉巨蘭 與植物界活化石 打造全球舉世無雙 熱帶植物的諾亞方舟! 英聖龍爪蘭 藍石松 植物獵人 T觀點邀請 李家維博士 他是清大教授,也是辜嚴倬雲保種中心執行長 帶您一探世界珍稀植物與不為人知的保種歷程!

Published on May 11, 2017

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